Please sign our
new guest book so we can see who's in our community.

Spend 3 minutes in Silence with us,
in any form of meditation, prayer or personal reflection,

that we might find that answer that is above party, above class,
above religion, above faction, above race, above nation.

  • Help us establish the Consciousness at 12 noon each day.

  • Spend 3 minutes in Silence in any form of meditation, prayer or personal reflection.

  • That we may find peace and reconciliation for all people.

  • That we might bridge seemingly impossible and humanly hopeless situations.

Infinite Way Judaism Sufism Initiatives of Change Om Centering Prayer Islam AA's 11th step Tao Jain Walking Meditation Buddhism
  • That we might have justice, whereby each sees not only their difficulties, but the difficulties of others also.

  • That we might find that answer that is above party, above class, above religion, above faction, above race, that is above nations.

  • Sign our book and let others know you are linking up with us.

On Saturday Oct. 1, 2017 at 8:00 a.m. PDT

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copyright© 3 Minutes of Silence 2005, All rights reserved.